2013. 75 min.
Director / Režija: Nebojša Slijepčević
Screenplay / Scenarij: Nebojša Slijepčević, Vanja Jambrović
„Gangster of Love“ is a documentary tragicomedy, which highlights some serious social issues. Twenty-five years ago Nedjeljko Babić left his job as a carpenter to begin his God-given career: matching lonely men and women. He became famous very fast, thanks to his skill as a matchmaker, but also his nickname – Gangster. He got it solely thanks to his image: he always wears sunglasses. When the pretty Bulgarian Maja (33) asks Gangster to help her find a new husband, it initially appears to be a simple task. But she is a single mother and a foreigner, making it a mission impossible for Gangster.
„Gangster te voli“ dokumentarna je tragikomedija o ljubavnim odnosima u 21. stoljeću. Nedjeljko Babić bračni je posrednik. Prije 25 godina ostavio je posao parketara da bi se posvetio karijeri za koju je rođen: spajanju usamljenih muškaraca i žena. Brzo se proslavio zbog uspjeha, ali i svog zvučnog nadimka Gangster. Kada se Gangsteru za pomoć u pronalaženju muža obrati tridesetpetogodišnja Bugarka Maja, čini se da će njen slučaj biti vrlo jednostavan. No Maja je samohrana majka trogodišnjeg djeteta i strankinja pa slučaj postaje Gangsterova nemoguća misija.
Zurich Film Festival 2013. Nominated / Best International Documentary Film
ZagrebDox – Audience Award
Mediteran Film Festival, BIH – Audience Award
DOKUart – Audience Award
Minsk International Film Festival ‘Listapad’ – Special Mention Radio Unistar
Internationales Filmfestival Innsbruck 2014 – Best Documentary
Telekom UnderhillFest – Best film in regional competition; audience award
Millenium International Documentary Film Festival 2014, Bruxelles, Belgium – Special jury award for the most original film