Premijere – Irene Reichart – Petra Radošević
The interconnectedness of people and nature is what this exhibition is to remind us of. In creating this exhibition, Irene Reichart has decided to show just how much in common nature has with what we experience in our lives. Starting with seven poems, we are cast into an emotional vortex of the artist. They unravel an intimate path woven with emotions of disbelief and fear, patience, and finally finding strength. The video we reach next visualises this movement. It shows how our emotions can be correlated with natural processes. These processes show us how dissolution can be constructive, and that even a void can be a creation. Similarly, for us to grow we first have to crumble to pieces and let go of what we thought was truth and the striking woollen installation represents threads of processes composing and decomposing us as individuals.
Ova izložba ukazuje na međusobnu povezanost ljudi i prirode. U stvaranju ove izložbe, Irene Reichart odlučila nam je pokazati koliko sličnosti ima priroda s onim što mi proživljavamo. Počevši sa sedam pjesama, bačeni smo u emocionalni vrtlog umjetnice. One raspliću intimni put isprepleten osjećajima nevjerice i straha, strepljenja i konačnog pronalaska snage. Video do kojeg tada dolazimo oslikava ovaj put. Pokazuje kako naši osjećaji mogu biti povezani s prirodnim procesima. Ovi procesi pokazuju da raspadanje može biti konstruktivno te da rupa može biti kreacija. Slično tome i mi da bismo rasli trebamo se raspasti i ispustiti ono što smo mislili da je istina, a upečatljiva vunena instalacija predstavlja niti procesa koji nas kao individualce pletu i raspliću.