1999., 97 min.
Director / Režija: Vinko Brešan
Screenplay / Scenarij: Vinko & Ivo Brešan 
Cast / Uloge: Dražen Kuhn, Linda Begonja, Ivo Gregurević, Boris Buzančić, Ilija Ivezić, Inge Apelt, Predrag Vušović, Bojan Navojec, Ljubo Kapor
     Stipan is a policeman who comes to a small Adriatic island off the Croatian coast in order to investigate reported strange phenomena that had frightened the whole population. At first, nobody wants to co-operate with him, but he finally finds that the island is being allegedly haunted by the ghost of Josip Broz Tito, Communist leader of former Yugoslavia. For Luka, the mayor, this is the opportunity to turn entire island into Tito-themed amusement park. Tito's WW2 veterans, on the other hand, don't believe in ghosts; for them, the apparition is actually Tito himself, who had returned in order to lead them into a new revolution which would restore Communism...
   Having somewhat changed a true event (the fisherman of Novigrad, Borko Maroja, claims he saw the Tito's ghost and talked to it in 1995), the scriptwriters located their own story on a Dalmatian island, where appearance of the Tito's spirit provides opportunity to this ignored island and its inhabitants to leave their humdrum living by engaging in Socialist-partisan tourism… Ridiculing their own past and political idolatry, the authors bravely deal with the changed picture of the life - the result being a political satire smartly playing with our past and present, with our virtues and faults…
   Stipan je policajac koji stiže na mali jadranski otok na hrvatskoj obali kako bi  istražio čudne pojave koje su uplašile otočnu populaciju. U početku, nitko ne želi surađivati s njim, ali on ipak otkrije da se na otoku pojavio duh Josipa Broza Tita, komunističkog vođe bivše Jugoslavije. Za Luku, gradonačelnika, ovo je prilika da se cijeli otok pretvori u Titov tematski zabavni park. S druge strane Titovi ratni suborci, veterani, ne vjeruju u duhove - za njih je ukazanje zapravo sam Tito, koji se vratio kako bi ih poveo u novu revoluciju koja će vratiti komunizam...    
   Donekle mijenjajući izvorni slučaj (novigradski ribar Borko Maroja tvrdi da je 1995. godine vidio Titov duh i s njim razgovarao), scenaristi su vlastitu priču smjestili na jedan dalmatinski otok, a pojava Titova duha prilika je zapuštenom otoku i njegovim stanovnicima da socijalističko-partizanskim turizmom iziđu iz sivila i zapuštenosti... Ismijavajući vlastitu prošlost i političko idolopoklonstvo autori se hrabro hvataju ukoštac sa promijenjenom slikom društva – rezultat je politička satira koja se vješto poigrava s našom prošlošću i sadašnjošću, s našim vrlinama i sa našim manama...

   Berlin International Film Festival 2000. Reader Jury of the "Berliner Zeitung" - Special Mention
   Berlin International Film Festival 2000. Wolfgang Staudte Award
   Bratislava International Film Festival 2000. Nominated / Grand Prix
   Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film 2002. Nominated / Grand Prize of European Fantasy Film in Gold
   Fantafestival 2001. Grand Prize of European Fantasy Film in Silver
   Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2000. Best Director
   Pula Film Festival 2000. Audience Award "Golden Gate Pula" 
   Pula Film Festival 2000. Big Golden Arena
   Pula Film Festival 2000. Best Actor in a Leading Role
   Pula Film Festival 2000. National Competition: Best Music
   Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2001. Kodak Vision Award