2013., 93 min.
Director / Režija: Vinko Brešan
Screenplay / Scenarij: Mate Matišić
Cast / Uloge: Krešimir Mikić, Nikša Butijer, Dražen Kühn, Marija Škaričić, Jadranka Đokić, Filip Križan, Zdenko Botić, Goran Bogdan, Stjepan Perić, Ana Begić, Ana Maras, Ivan Brkić, Marinko Prga, Lazar Ristovski
To help increase the birth rate of a small town on a Dalmatian island, the young priest Don Fabijan starts to pierce condoms before they are sold. He teams up with a simple-minded newsstand owner and a mad pharmacist and the three of them secretly abolish contraception on the island. After the initial success, with many births and marriages, things start to get complicated. Finally, the bishop comes to the island and everything turns completely crazy...
Mladi svećenik don Fabijan počinje bušiti zapakirane prezervative kako bi povećao natalitet u malom mjestu na jednom dalmatinskom otoku. Udružuje se s prostodušnim trafikantom i pomahnitalim apotekarom te zajedno potajno ukidaju svu kontracepciju na otoku. Nakon početnih uspjeha, mnogih poroda i vjenčanja, stvari se počinju komplicirati. Naposlijetku na otok dolazi biskup i sve postane potpuno ludo...
Chicago International Film Festival 2013. Nominated / Best Feature
CPH PIX 2014. Nominated / Politiken's Audience Award
European Film Awards 2013. Nominated / European Comedy
Festróia - Tróia International Film Festival 2014. Best Picture
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2013. Nominated / Crystal Globe
Pula Film Festival 2013. Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Thessaloniki Film Festival 2013. A Look at the Balkans Award