2015., 123 min.
Director / Režija: Dalibor Matanić
Screenplay / Scenarij: Dalibor Matanić
Cast / Uloge: Tihana Lazović, Goran Marković, Nives Ivanković, Dado Ćosić, Trpimir Jukić, Mira Banjac, Slavko Sobin, Lukrecija Tudor, Ksenija Marinković
„The High Sun“ shines a light on three love stories, set in three consecutive decades, in two neighbouring villages with a long history of inter-ethnic hatred. It is a film about the fragility – and intensity – of forbidden love.
In the first story, set in 1991, a romantic attraction is forced under-ground when love becomes a forbidden luxury in the pre-war atmosphere of madness, confusion and fear.
In the second story, set in 2001, the war is over but the lovers find it impossible to turn their infatuation into an ongoing relationship: the scars of the war are still too fresh and cannot heal that easily.
The third story takes place in 2011, when love can finally take root, if the lovers can break free of the past. Evil and suspicion have not completely vanished from their lives and catharsis is not easy to achieve, but it is possible once again.
Film govori o zabranjenoj ljubavi, njenoj fragilnosti, ali i snazi. Radnja obuhvaća tri desetljeća, a smještena je u dva susjedna sela opterećena etničkim netrpeljivostima i povijesnim naslijeđem.
Prva je ljubavna priča smještena u 1991. godinu – predratna previranja, prve barikade i napetost koja među selima doseže vrhunac, nisu dobro okruženje ni za kakvu ljubav, a kamoli za dvoje mladih iz dvaju susjednih sela. Deset godina kasnije, rat je već gotov, ali ne i zaboravljen – ožiljci još nisu zacijelili i naši se protagonisti moraju suočiti s njima. Treća priča smještena je u 2011. godinu – ni zla, ni napetosti, ni sumnje nisu nestale, ali čini se da je vrijeme za novi početak.
Cairo International Film Festival 2015. Best Artistic Contribution
Cannes Film Festival 2015. Un Certain Regard Jury Prize
Ghent International Film Festival 2015. Nominated / Best Film
Pula Film Festival 2015. Croatian Society of Film Critics Award - Octavian Award
Pula Film Festival 2015. Best Actress in a Leading Role
Pula Film Festival 2015. Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Pula Film Festival 2015. Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Pula Film Festival 2015. Best Costume Design
Pula Film Festival 2015. Best Director
Pula Film Festival 2015. Grand Golden Arena / Best Festival Film
Sarajevo Film Festival 2015. C.I.C.A.E. Award
Slovene Film Festival 2015. Feature Film
Slovene Film Festival 2015. Best Minority Coproduction
Slovene Film Festival 2015. Best Photography