IFCC Croatia 2019

IFCC je kratica za Independent Festival of Creative Communication. Primarni cilj festivala je promicanje autorstva i stvaranja kroz obrazovanje i nagrađivanje, posebno u području umjetnosti i dizajna, zabavne industrije, izdavaštva i oglašavanja. Publika festivala uključuje profesionalce koji rade u industriji filma i video igara: koncept umjetnici, 3D umjetnici, instruktori, specijalisti za zapošljavanje, predstavnici studija i stotine gostiju koji se pridružuju zabavama, izložbama i ostalim slobodnim dijelovima programa.
Mijenjamo se, što znači da će IFSeaSea 2019 biti drugačiji nego bilo koji drugi IFCC prije njega. Prva stvar - lokacija. Umjesto u Zagrebu, festival će se održati u prekrasnom gradu Splitu. Ovo znači - more.
Druga promjena je datum. Počinje 24. lipnja i trajat će do 29. lipnja. To znači - sunce.
Treća velika promjena te najvažnija od njih je koncept događaja. Umjesto 60 vrhunskih govornika iz cijelog svijeta,na festivalu će biti 25 vrhunskih instruktora i demo umjetnika. To znači manje glavobolje za one koji bi željeli vidjeti gotovo sve što festival može ponuditi. Nema više istovremenih prezentacija i trčanja od jednog mjesta do drugog samo da bi vidjeli barem polovicu nečijeg predavanja. Istina, imalo je i to svoj šarm, ali organizator festivala je konačno odlučio poštovati činjenicu da neke stvari imaju prioritet nad nekim drugim stvarima, i prva takva stvar na popisu je dati sudionicima ono po što su uopće došli - znanje. Budimo iskreni oko jedne stvari - nije moguće organizirati pravi masterclass na takvom događaju sa svakim od 25 instruktora i demo umjetnika. Gledajući proračun to niti nema mnogo smisla. To bi također bio preveliki pritisak i za instruktore i za studente. No ipak, za cijenu ulaznice, sudionici dobivaju više od toga što smo isporučivali od 2015. Mnogo više. Da, kraća predavanja inspiriraju i motiviraju, te planiramo imati i nekoliko njih, ali prava vrijednost je znanje koje odnesete kući.
Što očekivati? Prije svega, nekoliko riječi o novoj lokaciji. Grad Split je najveći grad na hrvatskoj strani dalmatinske obale (da, ljepša strana). Samo to je vrijedno putovanja. More i ostatak krajolika jednostavno su zapanjujući. Mnogo predivnih otoka, manjih gradova i drugih fantastičnih mjesta nalazi se veoma blizu. Pogledajte samo Brač, Bol, Hvar, Vis, Šibenik, Trogir, Plitvička Jezera, Slapovi Krke. Naravno, postoje tu i mnoga druga uzbudljiva mjesta zbog kojih ćete često posezati za ruksakom i vaditi blok za crtanje.
Što reći o gradu Splitu? Neki ga nazivaju „najluđim gradom na svijetu“, dok drugi kažu da je to „najljepši grad na svijetu “. Sigurno ništa od toga ne može biti 100% istinito, ali puno govori o tom mjestu sa samo 300 000 stanovnika. Jako je strastveno mjesto, ljudi su vrlo dragi, ali s vremena na vrijeme znaju biti i vrlo grubi. Za one koji su već prije posjetili IFCC, Split je definitivno potpuno drugačiji od Zagreba. Puno je manji i puno napetiji. Svoje ljeto 2019. godine, sigurno nećete zaboraviti, to možemo obećati.
.Kako se pripremiti za festival? Sve radionice će trajati između dva i četiri sata. Neke bi mogle trajati cijeli dan. Sve ovisi o tematici koja se obrađuje. Nismo zaboravili ni tradicionalne tehnike, pa se mogu očekivati i sati crtanja i kiparstva. Preporučamo vam da ponesete prijenosna računala ili barem blokove za crtanje ilii tablete za crtanje.
Vidimo se u lipnju!
Marko Prpić Zets i ostatak IFCC tima
IFCC is short for Independent Festival of Creative Communication. Its primary goal is to promote authorship and creativity through education and rewarding, especially in the field of art and design within the entertainment industry, publishing and advertising. The festival crowd includes professionals working in films and games industries: concept artists, 3D artists, instructors, recruiters, studio representatives and hundreds of guest who join parties, exhibitions and other “free-4-all” parts of the festival.
IFSeaSea 2019 Dates: 24th -29th of June 2019 Location: Split, Croatia
We are changing, which means that the IFSeaSea 2019 will be different than any other IFCC before it. First, the location. Instead of Zagreb, the event will take place in the beautiful city of Split. This means - the sea. The second change is the date. It will start on 24th of June and it will last until the 29th of June. This means - the sun. The third big change and the most important one is the concept of the event. Instead of 60 top speakers from all over the world, there will be 25 top instructors and demo artists. This means less headache for those who would want to see almost everything that such an event might offer. No more simultaneous presentations and no more running from one venue to another just to see at least half of someone’s talk. True, that also had its charm but the event organizers have finally decided to respect the fact that some things have priority over some other things, and the first such thing on the list is to give the attendees what they came for in the first place - the knowledge. Now let’s be honest about one thing. It is not possible to organize a real (master)class at such an event with each of the 25 instructors and demo artists. That doesn’t make much sense budget-wise. It would also be too much pressure for both instructors and students. But still, for the ticket price, the attendees are getting more then what we were delivering since 2015. So much more. Yes, talks inspire and motivate, and we do plan to have a few of those, but the real value is the knowledge you take home with you. What to expect? First of all, let’s say a few words about the new location. The city of Split is the largest settlement on the Croatian side of Dalmatian coast (yes, that prettier side of it). This alone is worth the travel. The sea and the rest of the landscape are just stunning. Many beautiful islands, smaller towns, and other fantastic sites are very near. Just look up Brač, Bol, Hvar, Vis, Šibenik, Trogir, Plitvice Lakes, Krka Waterfalls. Of course, there are many other breathtaking locations which will often make you want to take that sketch- book out of your bag. What to say about the city of Split? Some call it “the world’s craziest city” while others say it is the world’s “most beautiful city”. Surely none of it can’t be 100% true but it says a lot about the place with only 300 000 inhabitants. There’s a lot of passion going on there. People are very nice but can also be very rough from time to time. For those of you who have visited IFCC in the past, Split is definitely totally different than Zagreb. It is a lot smaller and a lot more in- tense. You will definitely never forget your 2019 summer, we can promise you that. How to prepare for the event? All the sessions will last between two and four hours. Some might last the whole day. It all depends on the topic that’s being covered. We haven’t forgotten about traditional techniques so expect some live drawing and sculpting. We encourage you to bring your laptops or at least sketchbooks and drawing tablets. See you all in June! Cheers, Marko Prpic Zets and the rest of the IFCC Team